About Me
Welcome to Terrace Place! My name is Dan and this is my blog. In 2013, I bought a condo in a 165-year-old row house in East Boston where I now live with my wife, Mara, and our cat, Toffee. This blog is about my efforts to renovate, furnish, and generally fix up my condo. It’s also about the trials and tribulations of living in a home built during the Polk administration. I wrote about my first major renovation project, a kitchen renovation, at Apartment Therapy in 2014.
Terrace Place is the old, 19th-century name for an alleyway that runs by my building. The alley hasn’t been known by this name in decades, but Terrace Place still seems like a fitting name for the block of row houses where I live, which is built into the top of a hill overlooking Boston Harbor.
Check out my other blog, Smells Like Science, where I occasionally write about sciencey stuff, if that sort of thing interests you.